
Product Development Arrow

Structural EnhancementsStructural Enhancements

During the design phase of product development it’s critical to identify key structural issues that the part or component may require. These include structural rigidity, air and water pressure, leak proof, durability and so on. Once these required elements are incorporated in the product's design, Sterling establishes manufacturing, assembly and testing protocols and builds test devices to ensure every part leaves the plant defect-free.

  • Foam fill and thermal insulation injection
  • Custom trim and cutting operations
  • Specific test protocols and devices
  • Air pressurization systems and structures to ensure cooling parts hold thier form
  • Air tight high-pressure testing
  • Submursible leak tanks

Forms with Air Pressure

Forms with Air Pressure

Bumper Guards are quickly placed in forms and filled with are to cue properly

Forms with Air Pressure

Bumper Guards are quickly placed in forms and filled with are to cue properly
Air tight pieces are checked for leaks

Air tight pieces are checked for leaks

These floats require for loss in air pressure

Air tight pieces are checked for leaks

These floats require for loss in air pressure